Life Style

This Is My New Year’s Resolution For 2015! What’s yours?

Happy New Year 2015! Christmas has just ended and New Year is on the door.  The New Year is often seen as...

Written by Deepanshu Gahlaut · 1 min read >
New Year's Resolution 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

Christmas has just ended and New Year is on the door.  The New Year is often seen as an opportunity to start fresh for everything. This New Year, we should all take a look into our lives, recognize and realize the value of New Year’s resolution. The New Year’s resolution is a promise you make to yourself for self-improvement or something slightly nice starting from New Year’s Day.

Stop Saying I Wish Start Saying I will

Confuse about this year’s resolution? Why not choose from these popular realistic goals

  1. Spend more time with family and friends.
  2. Quit smoking and drinking.
  3. Lose weight and exercise more.
  4. Donate to the poor more often.
  5. Learn something new for ex. biking, any degree, dancing etc.
  6. Create fewer reasons to lie.
  7. Save money.
  8. Learn to communicate effectively.
  9. Finish something you started which is yet unfinished.
  10. Be happy and make others as well.
  11. Make new friends.
  12. Get or change job or career.
  13. Propose someone special.
  14. Be spiritual.
  15. Buy something for you, your friends or family.
  16. To be more present.
  17. Take a trip with your friends or family.
  18. Join social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.
  19. To do something that has a positive impact on society, country or even worldwide.
  20. Toss everything that sucks.

Still confused? Use New Year’s Resolution Generator Tool

Here are Some of My New Year’s Resolutions

1. I will learn how to use Google Analytics (and will judge myself by giving Analytics certification). Of course, I know basics but I want to deal with advanced data statics, techniques, and user behavior.
2.  I’ll connect with more minded people on social media.
3. I’ll explore social media – tactics, and techniques as deep as I can.
4. I’ll have a paperback version of The Art of Social Media and Art of SEO in order to improve my Social Media and SEO skills.
5. I’ll try to have a continuous, helpful blogging on My Personal Blog in order to share lessons I would learn.
6. I’ll learn to communicate effectively.

I’m going to do it!

If you really want something new this year and your life better, you must pick up a resolution. Choose a resolution that can be easily shareable with others. Why not join your friends who have same goals for 2015? Make it a habit and prioritize things in your life.

I believe that changing yourself for better is a beautiful and inspiring thing.

Do you have any New Year’s resolutions? What is your plan to approach them? I’d love to hear your resolution in the comments.

Written by Deepanshu Gahlaut
Deepanshu Gahlaut is a seasoned marketing professional with over a decade of experience, specializing in SEO and digital growth strategies. Currently leading a dynamic team at Ace Cloud Hosting, Deepanshu has a rich history of scaling brands across sectors like accounting, technology, and ed-tech. A HubSpot-certified growth hacker, he has contributed to popular marketing publications and blogs in both English and Hindi. Beyond marketing, Deepanshu Gahlaut is a passionate poet, songwriter, and avid cricket fan. Profile
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Deepanshu Gahlaut in Life Style
  ·   2 min read

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