Social Media

9 Types of Content That Perform Best on Social Media

Creating a social media account is easy. However, developing engaging content that your target audience will resonate with and share is not...

Written by Deepanshu Gahlaut · 2 min read >

Creating a social media account is easy. However, developing engaging content that your target audience will resonate with and share is not a no-brainer. It involves a lot of research and social media analysis to develop a clear understanding of what your audience wants to see and read about.

To give you an idea of what to post, we’ve listed below the top nine types of posts that rank well on social media, according to a study conducted by BuzzStream and, which tracked 220,000 pieces of content for a period of six months.

1. Listicles:

Listicles are the articles in list form. They’re one of the most shared types of content on Facebook and other social media channels. List posts claimed the top position (22.45%) among the most popular types of content. Audiences love listicles because they are easy to skim and read. They’re easy to write too.

2. “Why” Posts

The second top content from the same BuzzStream study is “Why” posts, which earned 22.32% of the total social traction with an average of 24,500 shares per month. This type of post typically explains or clarifies a concept or topic.

3. Videos

Videos are more dynamic than plain images, which explains why they are playing an increasing role in the lives of online users these days. However, the ones that go viral are those that are authentic, entertaining and educational. Videos garnered 18.4% of the social traction on the BuzzStream study.

4. How-To

How-To articles are those that offer a step-by-step solution to a problem. They are popular online because they provide helpful content to users. How-Tos earned 18.42% of the shares in the study.

5. “What” Posts

What posts are easily recognizable because they often come in the form of questions, such as “What Color Is Your Aura?” They had the lowest social traction having only 17.88% of total shares.

Aside from these, there are other post types that also prove to be popular on social media –

6. Infographics

Infographics are like lists but done in a more visual format that makes long and boring content more appealing. They have long been a favorite because they give brands added visibility among other benefits. However, they take more time and efforts to produce.

7. Inspirational Stories

Inspirational stories work well because they stir up emotions in people. People want to be inspired and feel connected. Sharing these relatable stories to your audience will make them feel motivated and encourage them to interact positively towards your brand.

8. Case Studies

Similar to inspirational stories, case studies also make people feel connected but not just with your brand but with other customers as well. People love to get feedback from others and this is what case studies provide. They showcase what your customers think of your brand and how they are using your products, which gives you great insight as well.

9. Real-Time Updates

People nowadays want to hear the latest news as they happen and social media provides them this functionality. By using hashtags, for example, online users can have access to text updates, images or videos being shared not just by you but by other users too all across the web in real time.

While these types of posts generally work well, it is important to take note that only certain types work for certain industries or brands. Before you decide on what type of content to post, take the time to study your audience first to figure out what will work best with them.

Image Credit: mkhmarketing via Flickr (

Guest Post Author:

Alleli Aspili Alleli Aspili is a Senior Specialist for Business Development in Infinit Outsourcing, Inc. (Infinit-O), an  ISO-certified BPO company that caters inbound call center, finance and accounting and healthcare outsourcing to SMEs. Responsible for maintaining Infinit-O, Infinit Contact, Infinit Healthcare, Infinit Datum and Infinit Accounting online brand and content.

Written by Deepanshu Gahlaut
Deepanshu Gahlaut is a seasoned marketing professional with over a decade of experience, specializing in SEO and digital growth strategies. Currently leading a dynamic team at Ace Cloud Hosting, Deepanshu has a rich history of scaling brands across sectors like accounting, technology, and ed-tech. A HubSpot-certified growth hacker, he has contributed to popular marketing publications and blogs in both English and Hindi. Beyond marketing, Deepanshu Gahlaut is a passionate poet, songwriter, and avid cricket fan. Profile

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